When you need a home services professional, we've compiled the below list featuring a wide variety of contractors for easy reference. Please note these are simply suggested companies you may want to consider for home repairs who have been referred to us by home buyers and real estate agents who, in their experience, have found them to perform well at a reasonable price. Solid Ground is not affiliated with any of these companies.
Asbestos Testing/Removal/Abatement:
Charleston Mold Testing, 843-460-2835, charlestonmoldtesting.com
AirMD, 843-460-2835, airmd.com
Abate & Insulate, 843-566-0164, abateins.com
DECO - Demolition Environmental Company, 843-544-8408, deco.us.com
Brick Masonry
Sam Rea Co., 843-452-1419
Commonwealth Contracting, 843-200-9824, commonwealthcontractingllc.com
Meadors, 843-723-8585, meadorsinc.com
Priester's Custom Contracting, 843-200-8495, priestercustomhomes.com
Chuck Bennett Contracting, 843-577-7968, chuckbennettcontracting.com
Evangeline Construction, 516-426-3988, evangelineconstruction.com
Archer Construction, 843-200-2540, archerconstructionsc.com
L. B. Construction, 843-568-5932, larrybarker58@gmail.com
Northwest Conservation (Historic Preservation & Rehabilitation), 208.254.0211 nwconservation.services
Fortner Group - General Contractors,843-212-4978, fortnergroup.net
Blanton Construction, 843-813-8388, blantonconstruction.com
Palmetto Construction Group, LLC, 843-442-0374, palmettogroupconstruction.com
HomePro Services, 843-735-9973, homeproservices.com
Contract Exteriors, 843-884-7010, contractexteriors.com
Reliable Construction, 843-881-3499, reliableyes.com
Real Estate Repairs, 843-343-8033, realestaterepairs.com
Brown Contractors, 843-514-9258, browncontractors.me
Barney's Home Repairs, 843-813-6450, barneyshomerepairs.com
Campbell-Gallagher Construction, 843-296-9504, campbell-gallagher.com
Cornerstone Contracting, 843-801-4581, ccicontractinginc.com
Eagle Ray Enterprises, 843-345-2483
Carpet Cleaning:
Lowcountry Citrus Solutions, 843-906-7997, charlestoncitrus.com
Chimney Sweeps / Repairs:
Ashbusters, 843-225-9985, ashbusterscharleston.com
Sweep and inspection: $249
Charleston Chimney Sweeps, 843-200-5964, charlestonchimneysweeps.com
Chimney cleaning/inspection: $200
Chimney Care, 843-871-9030, safefireplce.com
Ace Fireplace, 843-873-1671, aceconstructionandfireplace.com
Coastal Chimney, 843-251-3316, coastal-chimney.com
Cleaning (Exteriors):
Lowcountry Soft Washing, 843-973-0969, lowcountrysoftwashing.com
PowerWash Plus, 843-324-1239, charlestonpowerwashplus.com
JM Professional Cleaning, 843-730-2792, jmprofessionalcleaning.com
Ambassador Window/Siding/Roof/Gutter Cleaning/Maintenance, 843-766-6890, awc.cc
Imperial Docks, 843-478-3426, imperialdocks.com
American Dock & Marine, 843-795-2999, americandock.net
Charleston Electric and Air, 843-408-0245, charleston-electric.com
Mister Sparky of Charleston, 843-484-7742, mistersparkycharelston.com
Powerful Electrical, 843-300-9675, powerfulelectricalllc.com
Giles Professional Services -- Residential Elevator and Stairlift Installation/Repair/Service, 843-818-8081, charlestonelevatorcompany.com
inspection of 3-stop residential elevator: $200
Coastal Elevators and Lifts, 843-557-0106, coastalelevators.com
inspection of 1-stop or 3-stop residential elevator: $350
Otis Elevator Company, 843-529-9502, otis.com
Homeland Exterminating, David Borduik, 843-695-0017 office, 843-532-7712 cell
Cingo Pest Control, 843-745-0203, cingohome.com
Fence Craft, 576-9881, fencecraftsc.com
A+ Fence Company, 843-881-2811, cchowell@sc.rr.com
Carolina Fence Company, 843-821-0486, carolinafencecompany.com
Ashbusters Chimney Service, 843-285-6237, ashbusterscharleston.com
Ace Fireplace, 843-873-1671, aceconstructionandfireplace.com
John Griffiths Hardwood Flooring, 843-442-5366, jghardwood.com
Timberland Wood Floors LLC, 843-696-2848, timberlandwoodfloors.com
MaxCARE Professional Floor Care, 843-577-9401, maxcare1.com
Wilson's Carpet Plus, 843-971-9663, wilsonscarpetplus.com
Crawlspace ER, 843-543-2200, crawlspaceer.com
Crawlspace Medic, 854-444-7140, crawlspacemedic.com
Complete Crawlspace, 843-751-3636, completecrawlspace.com
Lowcountry Crawlspaces, 843-259-8154, lowcountrycrawlspaces.com
Crawlspace Cowboys, 843-927-2959, crawlspacecowboyssc.com
CNT Foundations, 843-577-7268, yourfoundationexperts.com
Cantey Foundation Specialists, 843-261-5651, canteycanfixit.com
Mt. Valley Foundation, 1-800-333-8819, fixmyfoundation.com
RamJack, 843-763-9666 or 1-866-735-3085, ramjacksc.com
Foundations & Crawlspaces:
Garage Doors:
Acme Doors, 843-873-8770, acmedoorsinc.com
Sea Island Residential, 843-593-3049, seaislandresidential.com
Gutter Masters, 843-720-4174, guttermasterofchas.com
360 Gutter LLC, 843-991-4871, 360gutter.com
Litchfield Seamless Gutters & Windows, 843-708-4346, litchfieldgutterssc.com
Handyman/Home Repairs & Inprovements:
L. B. Construction, 843-568-5932, lbconstructioncompany.com
Charleston Handyman Solutions, 843-732-4776, charleston-handyman.com
CNJ Services, 843-685-3920, cnjservices.com
C&L Services LLC, 843-345-5084, clservicesinc.com
Jim Burke, 843-458-5406, jamesburkecharlestonbuilder.brandyourself.com
First Team Construction, 843-873-8030, 1stteamconstruction.com
Charleston Real Estate Repairs, 843-452-1025, charlestonrepairs.com
Rapid Repairs, 843-573-4357, rapidrepairs247.com
Preferred Home Services, 843-405-3601, gopreferred.com
Brendan Powers, 843-847-7931, 72powers@gmail.com
Holy City Heating & Air, 843-258-6310, holycityhvac.com
Carolina Climate Control, 843-870-2076, carolinaclimatecontrolsc.com
Preferred Home Services (Plumbing & HVAC), 843-474-6565, gopreferred.com
Five Star Heating & Cooling, 843-406-1700, fivestarcharleston.com
Myatt HVAC, 843-795-0229, myattac.com
LIMRIC Plumbing, Heating & Air, 843-225-2665, limric.com
Charleston Heating & Air, 843-216-9966, charlestonheatingandair.com
McClelland & Clanton Electrical Heating and Air, 843-928-4005
Sing Heating, 843-744-8211, singheating.com
Kitchen Appliance Repair:
Preferred Appliance Sales and Repair, 843-970-8033, preferredappliance843.com
Charleston Appliances and Repair, 843-554-7545, charlestonappliancerepairs.com
Elemental Appliance Repair, 843-809-7538, elemental-appliance.com
Aviv Service Today, 843-769-5355, avivservicetoday.com
Eurotechs Appliance Service & Repairs, 843-367-4559, eurotechs.us, *specializes in high end appliances
Sears Home Services (Repair Service), 800-949-7186, searshomeservices.com/repair
Johnson Landscaping, 843-766-4922
Mold & Air Quality:
Charleston Mold Testing, 843-460-2835, charlestonmoldtesting.com
Indoor air quality test cost: $300-$400
Palmetto Environmental Solutions, 843-310-0110 (Charleston area), palmettoenvironmentalsolutions.com
Indoor air quality testing: $250 for 1 story ($350 for 2 stories) house w/ 2000 sq.ft.
Advanta Clean, 843-577-5995, advantaclean.com
Indoor air quality testing: $260
Green Home Solutions, 843-779-1725, greenhomesolutions.com
Biosweep Southeast, 843-375-6627, biosweepse.com
Alliance Air Quality Services, 843-577-0077
Biotek Environmental, 843-323-1321, biotekmold.com
Hayes Painting, 864-809-4498, hayespaint.com
Blitch Plumbing, 843-795-9674, blitchplumbing.com
Preferred Home Services (Plumbing & HVAC), 843-474-6565, gopreferred.com
Harrington Plumbing, 843-881-0565, reharrington.com
ACME Plumbing, 843-324-5800, acme-plumbing.net
Papa's Plumbing, 877-959-4243, papasplumbing.com
American Leak Detection (Identifying leaks in slab foundations), 843-873-9790, americanleakdetection.com
Leak Masters USA (Identifying leaks in slab foundation), 843-637-4585, leakmastersusa.com
Power and Soft Washing -- Exteriors/Siding:
Lowcountry Soft Washing, 843-973-0969, lowcountrysoftwashing.com
PowerWash Plus, 843-324-1239, charlestonpowerwashplus.com
Ambassador Window/Roof/Gutter/Siding Cleaning & Maintenance, 843-766-6890, awc.cc
Sea Island Residential, 843-593-3049, seaislandresidential.com
Williford Roofing, 843-760-9500, willifordroofinginc.com
First Quality Roofing, 843-412-5672, firstqualityroof.com
Action Roofing, 843-296-5076
Lowcountry Roofing & Exterior, 843-303-4080, lowcountryroofing.com
Charleston Roofing & Exteriors, LLC, 843-203-5555, charlestonroof.com
G&S Supply Company, 843-614-6000
Solar Panel Inspections:
Raywell Solar, 843-203-0320, raywellsolar.com
Septic Tank:
A-1 Septic Tank Sewer Services, 843-761-6244, a1septictankservice.com
$395 for tank pump and inspection
Knights Company's Septic Tanks, 843-873-3930, knightscompanies.com
$600 septic system/tank inspection
Island Septic Systems, 843-559-3491, islandsepticsystems.com
$375-$400 to pump tank + $175 for inspection
Sprinkler/Irrigation System (Lawn):
Z's Irrigation, 330-8714
$75 system diagnostic
Carolina Turf Irrigation, 843-696-5640, Carolinaturfirrigation.com
$135 system diagnostic
Distinctive Irrigation, 843-296-4279, Distinctiveirrigation.com
Structural Engineers:
SC Consulting, 720-237-3274, scc-engr.com
Residential Structures, 843-749-2797, residentialstructurespc.com
CRG Engineering, 843-266-0700
Sisnroy Engineering, 843-795-0450
Applied Building Sciences, 843-724-1456, appliedbuildingsciences.com
Stucco Inspections:
David Blackburn, 843-283-0557, stucco-inspector.net
$400 1,500 sqft, 1 story house inspection
$600-$650 2,500 sqft, 2 story house inspection
Scott Flanders, 843-514-0901, Active Stucco Inspector/Moisture Analyst/Building Envelope II
Swimming Pools:
Aqua Blue Pools, 843-767-7665, aquabluepools.net
$125 pool inspection
Atkinson Pools & Spas, 843-881-3068, atkinsonpools.com
$175 pool inspection
Heritage Pools, 762-3417, swimhere.com
$225 pool Inspection
Pool Sharks, 843-200-0351
$100 pool inspection
Maritime Pools, 843-708-9414, maritimepools.com
$170 pool inspection
Tree Trimming & Removal:
Carolina Pine Tree Service, 843-452-1152
Winthrop Tree Service, 843-402-0588, winthroptreeservice.com
Complete Tree Service, 843-814-4545, completetreeservicechas.com
Charleston Stump Stompers & Tree Service, 843-881-6141, charlestonstumpstompers.com
Charleston Tree Experts, 843-952-8300, charlestontreeexperts.com
Stump Grinding, 843-300-2979
Charleston Tree Experts, 843-952-8300, charlestontreeexperts.com
C & N Tree Service, 843-673-0228, candntreeservices.com
Underground Oil Tanks:
Envirosmart, 843-722-0062, envirosmart.us
JP Anderson, 843-889-8675, jpandersonwell.com
$275 general inspection and bacteria test
Culligan Water Testing, 843-258-8475, culligancharleston.com/free-in-home-water-test
Wildlife Removal:
Northwest Conservation (Bat & Wildlife Removal), 208.254.0211, nwconservation.services
Sea Island Residential, 843-593-3049, seaislandresidential.com
The Glass Guru of Charleston, 843-640-3270, theglassguru.com
Window World, 843-579-0706, windowworldlowcountry.com
Holliday Home Improvements, 843-689-2140, hhiwindows.com
Trainum Brothers Glass Co., 843-330-1879
Coastal Siding & Windows, 843-763-1464, coastalsidingandwindows.com
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